Morning Chapel
At St. Philip's Episcopal School, we have chapel services each school day! Monday through Thursday chapel services are conducted by Fr. Andrew Green, Rector of St. Philip's Episcopal Church. There are two services on those days. Preschool and Prekindergarten classes gather for a twenty-minute service in which they sing songs, hear Bible stories and pray. Our Kindergarten through 8th grade students attend a service that is adapted from the morning prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. While our prayers and scripture readings are rooted in the Christian tradition, our homilies and discussions are broad, offering opportunities for audience members to listen and apply these messages to their own faith traditions. On Fridays, we have one whole-school service that is one half hour. Each class, preschool through middle school leads a Chapel performance, in which students perform skits or sing songs around a central theme. Friday services are conducted by our Bible/Godly Play Instructor.
Each class has weekly Bible lessons. Students in Preschool and Prekindergarten have Godly Play lessons once a week, during which they hear Bible stories and often use manipulatives to act out the stories. Kindergarten through 8th grade students attend Bible class once a week and have developmentally appropriate lessons. Students in 4th grade receive their very own leather-bound Bible at the beginning of each year.